Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Sleepers, Awake!

 It is interesting that I don’t find myself particularly moved by music this season. I should say by listening to music as I have had a wonderful time singing and conducting Advent and Christmas carols.  But I have not done the listening required to keep this blog going on a daily basis. The excitement of a big Christmas performance with my new school, helping with the Live Nativity at Sardis Church, joining in on an Advent Evensong at All-Souls Anglican, and leading Advent sings and a Christmas Eve choir at Immanuel Anglican have been lovely but have thoroughly scratched the seasonal music itch. And last but not least, adding a precious new granddaughter the weekend before Christmas and enjoying the energy of her older brother and sister while we waited on the baby to come have made this a very special, but not very bloggy, season.

I have been more moved by reading poetry than listening to music, especially as it concerns the O Antiphons…which are music. I will write about those in the next few days.

But I heard this song on Classic FM and was reminded what a wonderful Advent carol it is as well as an organ and/or orchestral masterpiece by J. S. Bach.

Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, from Cantata BWV 140 

I like the version linked above for the translation and the instruments. There are many ways to hear this music. Chris Thule, Yo-Yo Ma, and Edgar Meyer perform it here.

The cello plays the choral melody which was the chorale - the German hymn - that the congregation would recognize. It was framed in the countermelody and lovely Baroque ornamentation. 

Singing Bach can be very worshipful, but it takes a lot of work. I would enjoy tackling a Bach chorale some day if the musicians were decently skilled and highly motivated. 

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